Klara Collins

Klara Collins
Infuse Tea Company

Our Story

I began Infuse Tea Co. with the goal of bringing Camellia Sinensis, the art of tea, natural flavor, herbal tisanes, hospitality and wellness to my friends. Almost 20 years ago, I found a gem of a little purple teahouse near my sons’ preschool.  I would stop and have tea at this cute little Victorian teahouse. It was a very peaceful, relatively easy and private way to revive my spirits and refuel for the challenges of being a mother of 2 boys and working in a very competitive and demanding career as a medical rep. The time I spent there by myself enjoying my favorite blueberry tea and delicious scones offered much solace and produced sweet memories. Eventually, I fell in love with the art of tea as well as the multiple benefits (may boost immune system, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote weight loss) and decided to start hosting my own tea parties to share the passion and benefits of tea with my friends and family.

I discovered the wonderful power that teas possess and the healing qualities they provide. It made me want to share these benefits with others.

Over time, I ran into so many people that had struggled with ways of centering themselves and creating balance and wellness in a world filled with  very huge challenges.   Many shared that they were treated with traditional Western medicine with many side effects and struggled for improvement. Some turned to alcohol.  I also faced my own huge challenges and so I sought ways to heal and deal with my own pains and stressors. I knew that lots of people were suffering and reaching for lots of unhealthy means of coping and so I started to research and invest in my own exploration of teas and  their potential benefits. While I do believe that tea and herbal tisanes are thought to have numerous benefits, it’s also important to know that you should never self-treat any disease, or drink large quantities of tea/tisanes if you are suffering from serious diseases, are pregnant or breastfeeding. As every person is different and its impossible to make a general statement about the benefits or side-effects.

Klara Collins

I found my passion in helping others and in providing some of the best teas in the world, all natural, with no added preservatives, sugars, chemicals and with sustainability at the heart, and I founded Infuse Tea Co. I also was committed to finding  fully compostable and recyclable packaging, tea pouches, labels and materials.  I felt this was important once I heard that the current packaging for many loose leaf teas can take 100s of years or more to degrade. I wanted to leave as little of a footprint on the environment as possible so we can all feel good about the benefits of drinking tea but also know that in doing so we are also acting environmentally conscious.

I don’t intend to diagnose or treat medical conditions, but want to offer you a way to take time for yourself. That moment you take with just a cup of tea, one of your new favorites or one that’s a bold stretch for you, and consider how special you really are, without criticism, and just be still to enjoy it and empower yourself, this is why I started Infuse. I want to share that with you and let you know that we are all trying to manage so much but we can take time for reflection, meditation, health and wellness, as well as the art of hospitality…..all because of a special leaf infused in some hot water.

Tea cups

Join me in discovering this amazing gift from nature and discover the variety of teas that can help promote good health and well-being.

Infuse Tea Company